One of those nights

No one answers.
It's pitch black and I can't even see my own hand.
Not that the darkness scare me,
but the fact that I’m naked startles me a bit.
Am I awake?
Or am I still asleep, I wonder.
An awkward feeling hits me and something is obviously wrong.
Overwhelmed by the situation,
I desperately try to find the light switch.
But with no immediate luck.

I stumble around for a few seconds,
before I finally find the damn thing.
Where the hell am I?
What happened last night?
I was drinking of course, I know that.
That’s what I always do,
but what happened?

The apartment is small and,
I look around for clues.
There has to be a lady living here,
‘cause no man would keep a place this nice.
Silk sheets and expensive furniture.
But the thing that really gave it away,
was the flowers.

No man I know has flowers not even in plastic.
And they were pretty too.
Who is she? I wonder.
Bet she’s beautiful, she has to be!
I find my torn up clothes on the floor,
and a fifth of whiskey on the bedside table.
A couple of minutes later, I’m dressed.
Worked up a nice buzz all over again
and on my way out.

-Wonder what’ll happen this night?

Tills vidare, there's no poetry between us -said the paper to the pen.

// m

Posted by: 3milie

Åh, herregud! Älskar det! Skrivet på ett riktigt levande sätt - Det känns verkligen som att man är där. Även fastän jag inte fastnade för texten du skrev på facebook så fick jag känslan att jag var tvungen att läsa mer - här finns det talang. Jag hade bevisligen rätt. Här kommer jag snoka mer kan jag ju säga! :D

2012-10-14 @ 07:06:52
Posted by: m

Jag tackar ödmjukast!:) Uppdaterar sjukt dåligt men jag förespråkar kvalitet framför kvantitet ;p

Uppskattar alla former av kommentarer så även om du dissar eller hissar, lämna ett spår!<3

2012-10-14 @ 07:16:32

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