Whispering sounds of untold stories

Do you believe?
Believe in something,
so simple as the truth?

Believing is easy.
It's not believing that's hard.
It's all just a bunch of bullshit,

and there's nothing you can do about it.

An artificial being,
created by mankind itself.
Are you sure you still believe?

Heil to the Gods upon thee,
and submit to their ancient laws.
Become nothing with nothingness,

and nothing but enslavement rests upon your soul

So how can you trust,
these whispering sounds?
Listen my fellow equal, listen to the truth

but remember,
It's all just a bunch of bullshit.

Tills vidare, on a moonlight drive!

// m

Posted by: Anna/syntetica

Du skriver så underbart bra! jag blir helt häpen! fortsätt så!

2009-12-20 @ 16:26:16
Posted by: m

Tackar ödmjukast!

2009-12-22 @ 20:19:29
URL: http://mikaelnovac.blogg.se/
Posted by: snowball :P

Gott nytt år. <3

2009-12-31 @ 18:43:27
Posted by: Madde

Kram på dig killen.

2010-01-05 @ 04:06:15

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